Car Accident Settlement: 7 Things to Expect

Dec 31, 2021 | Car Accidents

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Car Accident Settlement: 7 Things to Expect

If you’ve been in a can accident, you’ll have to deal with the medical bills, car repair costs, and the general disruption to your life that such an incident brings. This can be extremely stressful, especially if you weren’t at fault. Although the other party’s insurance company might offer you a settlement, the initial amount is often too low to cover all your expenses. A competent personal injury attorney can help you receive the car accident settlement you need.

Car Accident Settlement: 7 Things to Expect

1. Working with a Personal Injury Attorney

After your accident, you might be contacted by the other driver’s insurance company. They could try to get you to admit fault or to tell them that your injuries aren’t severe. In such a case, say as little as possible, and contact a personal injury lawyer in your local area. Even if you might feel you’re not injured severely, adrenaline could be masking your true state for the first few days after the accident.
Don’t make a decision too quickly, and speak to a professional before acting. If it’s clear that the other party was at fault, their insurance company might offer you a settlement. This is likely to be low, and you could receive more if you work with a good lawyer. Remember that many attorneys won’t charge you until you’ve won your case, so you have nothing to lose.

2. Determining the Cause

One of the first things your attorney will do is help you prove that the other party caused the accident. Often, this is clear-cut, for example, if they were driving behind you and didn’t leave enough space between the cars. Alternatively, they might have been driving under the influence, gotten distracted because they were doing two things at once, or broken one of the traffic laws.
To determine the cause of the accident, it’s very helpful to have a police report, so you should call 911 even if nobody is seriously injured. Similarly, you or your passengers should take photographic evidence, which can later be used to reconstruct what happened. Your attorney will work with you to find clear evidence that you were innocent.

3. Providing Evidence of Your Injuries

The next thing you have to prove is that you’re injured and you deserve compensation. Usually, you’ll only receive a significant amount of money if it’s clear that your life has been impacted by what happened and that your treatment will take many months or even years.
For example, you might have injuries so severe that you are no longer be able to work at your previous job, you might have to take several months off, or you may have to undergo treatment at a hospital or clinic. You’re also likely to receive compensation if you’re disfigured and have to get plastic surgery to restore your appearance. Together, you and your attorney will find the necessary documentation to prove the impact of the accident on your life.

4. Settling with the Defendant

While some people have to go to court to receive compensation, most cases will settle before this happens, particularly if it is clear who was at fault. While you shouldn’t automatically accept the first settlement offer you receive, you and the defendant’s insurance company can usually come to an agreement.
With the help of your attorney, you will try to prove that you are suffering from economic as well as non-economic damages. What’s more, you might be able to receive punitive damages if the other driver’s actions were particularly reprehensible.

5. Economic Damages

The aftermath of a car accident is often very expensive, and you will be compensated for the damages you’ve suffered. This could include any money you have to spend on repairing your vehicle, the medical bills you have to pay, and the income loss you’re experiencing because of your injuries. It’s crucial that you receive money for all these factors because the compensation allows you to take care of your family despite your injuries.
A good attorney will not only ask for money to pay for your current expenses, but they will also look to the future and estimate the long-term consequences of what happened. For example, you might have to re-train and switch jobs if your injuries prevent you from going back to your old line of work. Similarly, you might have more medical bills in the future.

6. Non-Economic Damages

The tangible consequences of the accident aren’t the only ones you can get compensated for. Being involved in such an incident is extremely stressful, and you might suffer emotionally for many years. For example, you may now be disfigured, which can lead to alienation from your family and friends, emotional scarring, and a loss of enjoyment of your life.
Even if your injuries aren’t visible, you’re likely to be traumatized by what happened. If your lawyer can prove that you have been severely affected by the incident and that it has caused a drop in your quality of life, you will receive extra compensation for this. However, it is harder to prove, and you’ll have to hire the best lawyer in your area to be able to benefit from this.

7. Punitive Damages

Sometimes, the actions of the other driver are so reprehensible that you can get punitive damages on top of the compensation meant to protect you. The purpose of this is to punish the other person for their actions and to hold them responsible for what they did. You’re more likely to receive this type of compensation if the other party broke the law and this caused your accident.

Getting a fair car accident settlement is important because it can cover your medical bills and your car repairs, and it can compensate you for the disruption caused by the incident. The best way to ensure you receive the maximum amount is to work with a competent and experienced accident lawyer. Get in touch with us now at The Soliman Firm in Costa Mesa, CA, and book your initial consultation with Steven Soliman and his team.

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