What Is a Fair Car Accident Settlement?

Car accidents are extremely common—especially in Orange County—but for many people, filing a car accident claim is a first. While experiencing a car accident due to another driver’s negligence will always be an inconvenience, getting a fair settlement from their...

Should I Use a Dash Cam?

While dash cams are a fairly new technology, we are likely all familiar with the footage they provide thanks to video compilations and news reporting after major crashes. While dashcams were once something typically reserved for law enforcement and professional...

What is Reckless Driving?

While there are many fender benders and mild accidents on the roads of Orange County, reckless driving accidents can be a much more difficult scenario. Reckless driving often involves high speeds and a disregard for the rules of the road, so the crashes that result...

Who is at Fault in a Car Accident?

Car accidents can be an extremely difficult thing to go through, especially in situations where it is not clear exactly what happened or who is at fault for the crash. Determining fault after a car accident is done by determining who was negligent in their operation...
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