Wrongful Death Lawyer Newport Beach, CA – The Soliman Firm

If you’ve just lost someone you love to the negligence of someone else, you may be thinking about the following steps. Looking for an attorney for wrongful death within Newport Beach, California, is an excellent place to begin.

Our lawyers at The Soliman Firm have experience dealing with these kinds of cases and know how to give you the best possible results. You shouldn’t endure this trial alone, which is why you should have a top lawyer on your side to help.

Role of a Wrongful Death Lawyer

A wrongful death attorney assists people who have lost loved ones due to the negligence of another. This kind of personal injury lawyer is skilled in handling personal injury cases of wrongful deaths and understands how to provide you with the best possible results.

Wrongful Death Claim Explained

To comprehend a wrongful death claim in Southern California, it is essential first to know what it’s not. A wrongful death claim will not be similar to an investigation into a criminal case. The claim will not lead to the possibility of fines or imprisonment in the event of a conviction. The district attorney does not have any authority to investigate the allegations.

A wrongful death lawsuit is considered a civil suit. If the claim is successful, you’ll be awarded cash from the person responsible. This can happen if the accident is caused by the negligence of another person or an organization.

These cases are brought against the party responsible. However, they may have other people interested in the matter. If a policy covers the victim’s death, the insurance company defending the defendant is incentivized to seek insurance coverage.

Call The Soliman Firm, PLC at (714) 491-4111, or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation.

Common Wrongful Death Causes In California?

There are many ways a wrongful death can occur. The following are some of the more frequent scenarios:

Car Accidents:

These account for a significant number of wrongful deaths in California. If another driver was at fault, you may have a claim. Drunk driving is one cause of car accidents that can also lead to wrongful death action.

Medical Malpractice:

If a doctor or other medical professional makes a mistake, it can result in death. This is especially true if the victim was not properly diagnosed or treated for a condition.

Workplace Accidents:

Construction workers and those in other dangerous professions face substantial daily risks. If an employer does not provide a safe work environment, it can result in death.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents:

With more people walking and biking, there have been an increasing number of accidents. If a car hits a pedestrian or a bicyclist, it can often result in fatal injuries.

Hit and Run:

If someone is killed in a hit-and-run accident, the family may be able to bring a wrongful death claim against the driver even if they are never found.

Falling Objects:

If something falls from a height and kills someone, the property owner may be liable. This is especially true if the object was not properly secured.

Defective Products:

If a product is defective and it kills someone, the manufacturer may be held liable.

Call (714) 491-4111 or contact us online to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

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Wrongful Death Lawyer Newport Beach, CA

Is Wrongful Death in California a Crime?

Wrongful death isn’t criminal. However, it could result from a criminal act. If someone dies during a crime, the person who committed it could be accused of murder or homicide. To succeed in a legal claim for wrongful deaths, it is essential to establish that the death occurred because of someone else’s fault or unlawful conduct, not due to criminal activity.

Who Has the Right to Sue for Wrongful Death?

Legal claims for wrongful deaths can differ according to the state. In states, there is no universal solution for wrongful death lawsuits. Some of the individuals who could be eligible to file a wrongful death claim are:

The Spouse Of The Deceased Victim

In several states, the surviving spouse will be the one to start a claim for wrongful deaths.

The Children Of The Victim

If the victim does not have a spouse who has passed away or children, they may take over the claim.

The Parents Of The Victim

In some instances, the grandparents might be required to be involved in the case when the parents have passed away or are in a position not legally to take action.

The Other Dependents Of The Victim

A partner in life, as well as financial dependents people, could also be eligible for filing a wrongful death claim.

Wrongful Death Lawyer Costa Mesa CA

Damages In a Wrongful Death Claim Enumerated

In dealing with the harm caused by the loss of a loved one, it is essential to determine the types of damages that could be offered to the family member as part of the case of a wrongful death lawsuit. This will ensure you receive the total compensation you are entitled to for your loss. The principal types of damages that can be awarded in a wrongful-death claim are:

The Loss Of a Companion

They are intended to compensate the left behind families for the companionship lost due to death.

Loss Of Financial Support

When the decedent was the primary provider of the family, the survivor’s spouse and children could be able to recuperate the financial loss that they suffered in the wake of the demise of the deceased.

Loss Of Inheritance

Suppose the deceased was a young person and hadn’t yet had the opportunity to accumulate substantial wealth and assets. In that case, the family members who survived could claim the loss of inheritance they’ve endured as a result of the passing.

Suffering And Pain

The family members who survived may be able to recover from the suffering and pain they’ve suffered due to the passing.

Punitive Damages

The court could make punitive payments in a wrongful-death claim in certain instances. This damage is meant to punish the person who committed the offense for their actions and deter others from engaging in the same acts.

Court Filing Costs

The court could also award the family members with reimbursements for attorney’s fees and other court filing expenses as part of a wrongful death case.

Costs For Funeral And Burial

A court can also award reasonable burial and funeral costs due to the death.

The expenses you may recover in a wrongful death claim will depend on the case’s specifics. Give our law office, The Soliman Firm, a phone call today to discuss your potential legal options with one of our knowledgeable lawyers.

Call (714) 491-4111 or contact us online to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

Duties And Responsibilities Of a Lawyer In Newport Beach California

There are various ways lawyers specializing in wrongful deaths can assist you if you’ve lost loved ones because of someone else’s carelessness. Below are a few instances:

1. They Can Assist You In Filing An Unjustifiable Death Claim

Dealing with a case like this on your own can be complicated and emotionally grueling. Lawyers who focus on these sorts of cases will have the experience to manage every aspect of your claim so that you can focus on grieving.

2. They Will Gather The Essential Documentation

A lot of paperwork needs to be filled out and submitted when filing an unjustifiable death lawsuit. A lawyer will have the expertise to make sure that everything is in order and submitted on time.

3. They Will Determine Who Is Liable For The Death

In many instances, more than one person or entity could be held responsible for the death of your loved one. A lawyer will be able to investigate the case and determine who should be held liable

4. They Will Fight For a Favourable Settlement

Insurance companies will often try to lowball claimants in these situations. A lawyer will negotiate on your behalf to make sure that you receive the full compensation you are entitled to.

5. They Will Take The Case To Trial If Necessary

If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, a lawyer will not hesitate to take the case to trial. They will fight for your rights in court and make sure that justice is served.

The Soliman Firm makes resolving an untimely death much simpler for the family members. If you’ve lost your loved ones due to the negligence of another, contact a wrongful death legal professional in Newport Beach, CA to get a jumpstart on your case.

Call (714) 491-4111 or contact us online to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

What To Look For Within A Professional Newport Beach Lawyer

In Newport Beach, CA, you can choose from many different types of lawyers. You will want to be sure that you are selecting the right one for your case. Below, we will be going over some of the key things you should be looking for when trying to find the right Newport Beach lawyer for your specific needs.

1. Experience

The main thing that you are going to want to look for when you are trying to find the right lawyer is experience. You want to be sure they have a lot of experience dealing with cases and clients similar to yours because this will give them the in-depth knowledge needed to handle your case properly. Furthermore, it will allow them to anticipate different outcomes and strategies that the other side might try to use against you. This is critical to win your case and get the best possible results.

2. Good Reviews/Reputation

Another big thing you should be looking for is a good reputation within the community. You want to be sure that the lawyer you choose will have a good reputation for getting favorable outcomes. The last thing you want is to hire someone with a terrible reputation for winning cases. You should be able to find out about a lawyer’s reputation by searching online or by talking with past clients that have worked with them.

3. A Great Attitude

Another big thing you will want to look for when you are trying to choose the right lawyer is a great attitude. This is important because you will want to be sure that they are someone you can easily communicate with and feel comfortable around when discussing your loved one. After all, this is a very personal process for most people. Therefore, you will want to have an open line of communication with your lawyer so that you can discuss things thoroughly and without feeling like you are being judged or rushed, yet someone who takes their time.

These are our top 3 things to consider when looking for the right Newport Beach lawyer. If you can find a lawyer with experience, a good reputation, and a great attitude, you should be in good hands and have a much higher chance of winning your case. Here at The Soliman Firm, we house all these qualities and more!


Call The Soliman Firm Now – Servicing Newport Beach, CA

We understand how stressful suing is. Our skilled lawyers from Newport Beach, Ca, are available to help you at any time. We will advocate for the amount owed.

The Soliman Firm is a top law firm for personal injuries that covers the entire state of California. Our experienced team of lawyers has won millions of money for clients. We have the expertise and resources to complete the task promptly. We have handled numerous cases in Huntington Beach, Los Angeles, and Orange County.

If you are in the Newport Beach, CA area and would like to schedule a free consultation with one of our accident attorneys, please call us at (714) 491-4111 or visit our law firm. We’ll be glad to assist you!

About The Soliman Firm

The Soliman Firm is a full-service Newport Beach personal injury law firm. We can handle Newport Beach personal injury cases including wrongful death, motorcycle accident, and spinal cord injury, among many others. We work throughout Southern California from San Diego up to Los Angeles County.

Our lead personal injury attorney, Steven Soliman, is a Super Lawyers Rising Star and has a perfect 10 rating on Avvo.

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